Contract FOSFA 11 CIF Oilseeds
FOSFA 11 CIF Oilseeds
- Details
- Parent Category: Support for Trader
- Category: Contract Addendum
- Hits: 13352
FOSFA CONTRACT 11 FOR OILSEEDS CIF TERMS. Revised and Effective from 1st September 20_ Reference Nos. SELLERS: BUYERS: BROKERS: Date:
Sellers have agreed to sell and Buyers have agreed to buy _ say _ tons of 1000 kilos In bags/bulk at. . . say. . . per ton of 1000 kilos net delivered weight, cost insurance and freight to . . as per Bill/s of Lading dated or to be dated during . . from . . Payment in. . . . for . . % as per Payment Clause.
If in bags, the seed shall be packed in fibre (excluding synthetic) bags suitable for export. If in bulk, Sellers have the option of shipping up to 15% in bags for stowage purposes. Costs of cutting and emptying to be for Sellers’ account.
1. TOLERANCE: Sellers have the option of shipping 2% more or less of the contract quantity to be settled at contract price. In the event of more than one shipment being made each shipment is to be considered as a separate contract but the tolerance on the mean contract quantity is not to be affected thereby.
2. QUALITY AND CONDITION: At the time and place of shipment, the seed shall be of good merchantable quality, in good condition and of the agreed description and specifications. Should the seed on arrival be sea or otherwise damaged or out of condition, this contract is not to be void, but the seed as well as the sweepings is to be taken with an allowance to be fixed by agreement or by arbitration.
3. SPECIFICATIONS: .........................