Arbitration Cases, Detention
Arbitration. Detention
- Details
- Parent Category: Support for Trader
- Category: Contract Addendum
- Hits: 21953
First letter. Our company as charterer executed all conditions of the agreement of chartering and your claims as a carrier not reasonable and not subject to satisfaction on next reasons:
Following a decision: CABINET of MINISTERS of UKRAINE, DECISION, From May, 12 in 2007 № 705. An ORDER of realization of review, inspection, analysis, fumigation and inspection (registration of phitosanitary and quarantine certificates) of adjusting objects is in the field of quarantine of plants.
MINISTRY of AGRARIAN POLICY of UKRAINE. ORDER. on Augusts, 23 in 2005 N 414
About claim of the phitosanitary rules of import from abroad, transportation within the limits of country, transit, export, to the order of processing and realization of subquarantine materials
In accordance with the article of a 11 Law of Ukraine About the quarantine of plants.
In obedience to Statute about Central scientifically - the experienced quarantine laboratory, zonal quarantine laboratories, regional and municipal quarantine laboratories" ratified by an order from 18.05.10р. №97 (document attached) point to a 9.10 regulating duration of realization of analysis in the flow of 3 days.
2 Samples, which presented to the laboratory for examination, must be selected, directly, by a government inspector from the quarantine of plants in accordance with DSTU3355-96 (document attached).