Auction DeaPas Support
Sell at Auction
Auction Electronic Trading Platform (ETP). Section Deals, work principles and main provisions. Auction types will apply: private auction; public auction; automatic auction. Portal is for seller sell and buyer buy goods.
An auction is a process of buying (bid) and selling (ask, offer) goods or services by offering them up for bid, taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest bidder.
Bidding is an offer (often competitive) of setting a price one is willing to pay for something. A price offer is called a BID. The term may be used in context of auctions, stock exchange or card games.
BIN or (BuyItNow) Auction. The seller gives you the opportunity to purchase the item right away without waiting for an online auction to end. - Fixed price listings -
Proxy Bidding is an implementation of an English second-price auction used on eBay, in which the winning bidder pays the price of the second-highest bid plus a defined increment.
Auction types:
In a private auction the identities of the bidders are hidden, so anyone that buys the item can remain anonymous.
In a public auction, the bidders' identities are not hidden and anyone is welcome to attend the auction.
If the type is Automatic Auction the auction will end automatically and the winner will be also automatically selected.
If the type is Manual Auction the winner will be manually choosen by the offertant.
- Details
- Parent Category: Support for Trader
- Category: Sell at Auction
- Hits: 1207
Electronic trading platform (ETP) Auction, work principles and main provisions.
User Guide
An auction is a process of buying and selling goods or services by offering them up for bid, taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest bidder. The open ascending price auction is arguably the most common form of auction in use today. Participants bid openly against one another, with each subsequent bid required to be higher than the previous bid. An auctioneer may announce prices, bidders may call out their bids themselves (or have a proxy call out a bid on their behalf), or bids may be submitted electronically with the highest current bid publicly displayed.
Auction offers three auctioning types:
Public: everybody can participate;
Private: The bids are hidden from all others, except the auctioneer and the respective bidders. The bidders on the auction are hidden from others users, only the auctioneer having the option to see them. Messages are also hidden, the auctioneer can see all the messages and each bidder can only see his own messages.
BIN only: if the BIN price is met, the auction ends immediately, and the bidder that offered the BIN price wins.
Creating and editing your account
- Details
- Parent Category: Support for Trader
- Category: Sell at Auction
- Hits: 1222
Glossary explaining BID, BIN, Proxy, etc. This glossary is a list of terms used on the portal.
Bidding is a bid that everyone is willing to pay for something.
Offer is the selling price of the goods and the seller is ready to sell the goods
Bid is the purchase price of the product and the buyer is ready to buy the product
Auction is a way of selling goods (a form of selection of demand for goods). The principle of competition between buyers.
Tender is a method of purchasing goods (form of selection of proposals for supply). The principle of competition between sellers.
Bidding up means raising the price of a product with a series of rising rates. This may be illegal if it is done by a group of people interested in raising the price. At traditional auctions, bidding is a natural course of events. Since the 1990s, with the advent of online auctions, reverse auctions have become popular, in which the traditional roles of buyers and sellers are reversed, and the purpose of bidding is to lower the price, similar to the practice of buying offers when choosing a contractor. Job.
The bid price BID is the price offered by the buyer when he buys the product.
In buy and sell orders, the offer price differs from the demand price, and the difference between them is called the offer / demand spread.
An auction is a process of buying (bid) and selling (ask, offer) goods or services by offering them up for bid, taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest bidder.
Bidding is an offer (often competitive) of setting a price one is willing to pay for something. A price offer is called a BID. The term may be used in context of auctions, stock exchange or card games.
BIN or (BuyItNow) Auction. The seller gives you the opportunity to purchase the item right away without waiting for an online auction to end. - Fixed price listings -
Proxy Bidding is an implementation of an English second-price auction used on eBay, in which the winning bidder pays the price of the second-highest bid plus a defined increment.
- Details
- Parent Category: Support for Trader
- Category: Sell at Auction
- Hits: 80940
Deal Pas (Professional Accuracy Service) and Trade is Trade Portal. There is Dynamic portal at Deals section. How to make offer/ bid.
1 Registration, confirmation (you have to confirm your registration by link in email sent to you) and login.
2 Add Auction (find the right one) and approval from admin (after publish/ unpublish lot your will be notify) - temporarily Admin add Auction on your behalf based on your inquiry and notify you in time.
3 Your Auction Deal is ready
4 Your Auction Deal is visible in Auction Deals Section and Category apply.
5 Full details of your Auction available in full view.
1. Registration is allow adjust yours trade in time based on the market situations. Your Auction presented or corrected have to be approve by Admin.
2. Visitors and/or Principals can send BID/ feed back to the owner lot using Contact form. .
3. Commercial lots express the position of Principals. There are trade lots to be considering as inquiry and ground for future LOI/ SCO or ICPO/ FCO.
Structure of Portal: Auctions combined in Categories (Cereals, Oilseeds, Pulses and ect.); . Sub-categories exp. Cereals (Wheat, Barley, Corm and ect.); Main focus is to work with team of sellers, buyers and service companies interested in trading of commodities by vessels, trucks, wagons or in containers on Incoterms basis. Please do not hesitate to contact Administrator for support. If you cannot find the correct category or there is no such category, please add your commodity to any and the Administrator will correct it.
All static support information presented as Article at portal Support sections.
Please concede that support information is presenting as practical experience and could be used on your own risk.
Rules of the trade system, that is obligatory for an observance all participants.
- Details
- Parent Category: Support for Trader
- Category: Sell at Auction
- Hits: 18268
Dear Clients and Visitors,
Important to know. I created web hosting, trade portal for support of your business mean I need principal and order/ inquiry in which to be mention what you expect from me. Do not waste time, send company profile and commodity details such as name, packing, quantity, quality, destination, target price and I will do my best to fulfill your inquiry. I can begin to work only after verification of your company.
Service. Questions connected with the arrangement of information and support on the web site you may ask
For service we shall try to execute any your inquiry with the maximal benefit for your business.
The Internet Commerce, International trade, Contracts, Negotiations.
The list of services for international trade.
1. Way and method of the organization of the enterprise.
2. Presence of the company on the specified region of the world.
3. Creation of a commercial site.
4. Advertising of a site (company).
5. Advertising in territory of the CIS.
6. Advertising in the international market
7. Support of business activity of the company.
8. Training of the personnel.
Marketing the international market for the specified goods
1. Requirements to quality of the goods, the international standards and regional standards.
2. Samples, catalogues, booklets.
3. The prices of the international market (EXW, FOB, CIF and reception price list).
4. Support of marketing of the international market on the goods by the month.
Negotiations with contractors (potential partners).